Influence of Flexible Bodies on Subjective Response and Driving Simulator Performance
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Mobility engineering (MPMOB), MSc
Bangalore Venkatesh Prasad, Vinayanand
Conventional real-time Driver-in-Loop (DiL) methods use low-fidelity vehicle models
in driving simulators.These simplified vehicle models compute the vehicle states
from fewer bodies, where their relative motion is mapped in pre-simulated lookup
tables. With the improvements of real-time capability in multi-body software, a
question arises on how these high-fidelity vehicle models behave in DiL assessments
and how they affect the performance of driving simulators.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the influence of flexible bodies on driving characteristics
and the influence of these flexible bodies on the real-time performance of
a simulator. Vehicle variants of different complexity are made by reducing the modal
matrix of the flexible bodies. The goal is to develop a method to generate RT-MBD
models that captures the effect compliance (through dynamic loading during driving)
on the driving characteristics, while maintaining the real-time constraint. Results
show that the computational cost is not weighted equally between the eigenmodes
of flexible components. The geometric complexity of a flexible body is a significant
factor in determining a model’s computational efficiency. It is observed that while
some characteristics from subjective analyses can be correlated to objective metrics,
vehicle variants with similar objective metrics from certain driving scenarios show
significant differences when driven in a simulator.
real-time multi-body dynamics , driving simulator , flexible body , compliance , subjective vehicle assessment , eigenvector , mode shape , strain energy , compliance contribution , mode reduction