Fire safety training of crew onboard - with focus on fire drills and safety culture onboard tankers and Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax vessels
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Maritime management (MPMAR), MSc
Hermansson, Emma
Papamatthaiou, Dafni
Fire and explosion onboard vessels is considered to be a major cause of maritime accidents (Baalisampang, Abbassi, Garaniya, Khan & Dadashzadeh, 2018) and this type of accidents appear to be more than twice as mortal (Weng & Yang, 2015). Therefore, the emergency preparedness of crew onboard is crucial (Tac, Akyuz & Celik, 2020) in order to ensure that the crew is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. An important component of emergency preparedness onboard is fire safety training and fire drills. Fire safety training and drills are regulated in the SOLAS Convention, the ISM Code and the STCW Convention and associated STCW Code. However, it can be suggested that different factors, such as the Safety Culture onboard, may have an impact on the outcome or quality of fire safety training. This thesis focuses on identifying and analysing what skills are considered important for the crew to obtain through fire safety training and what factors may have an impact on fire safety training onboard. This is done through a comparative analysis between the applicable Rules, Regulations and Theories in conjunction with primarily data collected through interviews with individuals working within the shipping industry. The results from this thesis reveal that the skills which should be obtained can be categorized into three areas; Practical, Theoretical and Social. The factors which deem to have the largest impact on the training carried out onboard is Safety Culture, Leadership and Knowledge. Furthermore, the study identified a gap between the fire safety training carried out onboard and the applicable Rules and Regulations. Based on these results, suggestions are made to improve the fire safety training onboard, according to the factors influencing the training and the skills that are considered most important for the crew to obtain.
Safety training , Safety management , Maritime training , SOLAS , STCW , ISM Code , Fire safety , Firefighting , Fire preventsion , Fire drills , Safety culture , Maritime management