Wind power with hydrogen production, storage, and reconversion as flexible baseload in the Nordic energy system
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Sustainable energy systems (MPSES), MSc
Hanitio, Quinn Sarah
Zas Bustingorri, Maria
This thesis aims to investigate the techno-economical feasibility of an offshore wind
farm, combined with hydrogen production, storage, and reconversion as a Green
Flexible Baseload in southern Sweden in 2030. In the future, it is expected that the
share of variable renewable energies (VRE) will increase considerably in Europe,
including Sweden and thus, there is a need for balancing technologies in such an
energy system with high penetration of VREs. To investigate a concept including
hydrogen production, storage, and reconversion in order to balance the inherent
variations from wind power, a linear optimization model was developed to find the
optimal design of the plant which maximizes the profit by considering the investment
and operation of the plant. The work is focused on maximizing the profit made by
such a power plant. The hourly operation of the different components is evaluated
for a five-year period with real weather data and predicted electricity prices. An
inter-year comparison of the designs is then carried out to analyze the effects of wind
variations on installed capacity suggestions.
The results show that there are multiple profitable design options for the power
plant with different designs of the reconversion technology capacity. One of the
main drivers for the overall profitability of the green flexible baseload is the price of
hydrogen supplied directly to an assumed industrial demand.
Two final designs are suggested according to the obtained profitability and oper ational quality results. The proposed designs correspond to the combinations of
minimum baseload of 10% in summer to 20% in winter (variable baseload) and min imum baseload of 15% in summer to 15% in winter (constant baseload), both with
a grid connection of 72% of the total wind farm capacity.
green flexible baseload , wind power , variation management strategies , variability , baseload , techno-economical analysis