Kan urbana vattenvägar bidra till minskad trafikträngsel? En fallstudie i Göteborg

dc.contributor.authorElofsson, Anton
dc.contributor.authorHjernefur, Linda
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för sjöfart och marin tekniksv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Shipping and Marine Technologyen
dc.description.abstractIn 2018 a railway tunnel is planned to be built under the city of Gothenburg. The project is called Västlänken and the objective is to ease the road traffic congestion in the city. The problem is though that during the construction phase traffic is expected to be affected and also increased. To ease the traffic problem, different alternative transport solutions can be used for the excavated soil and this report will present one alternative. One of the stations of the underground railway will be located at Korsvägen in Gothenburg. The construction of the station will generate massive excavations which will be transported to the port of Gothenburg to be used as landfill. A stream, Mölndalsån, is situated close to Korsvägen flowing through Gothenburg. Instead of transporting the excavations on lorries trough an already traffic jammed city, the stream can be used instead. With barges the excavations can be transported from Korsvägen and all the way to the port of Gothenburg. The case study is identifying what needs to inventoried before an urban waterway can be employed. The idea is to identify the possibility to use barges as an alternative to lorries during the construction of Västlänken. Before an inland waterway can be employed for traffic with barges the physical limitations needs to be invented. Depth and width are for example limitations that will limit the size of the barge. Furthermore it is important to investigate what permits that are required and related authorities In the case study a fictive barge has been developed from the physical limits of the waterway. The barge has a cargo capacity of 53 tons and the total capacity of the whole system during a day between 07.00 and 19.30 will be 636 tons. The authorities responsible of Mölndalsån in Gothenburg have proven to be uncertain of what permissions are required in the case of starting barge traffic in Gothenburg. The result of the case study shows is that it is possible to employ barges to ease the traffic situation during the construction of the underground tunnel Västlänken.
dc.subjectAnnan teknik
dc.subjectOther Engineering and Technologies
dc.titleKan urbana vattenvägar bidra till minskad trafikträngsel? En fallstudie i Göteborg
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för kandidatexamensv
dc.type.degreeBachelor Thesisen
local.programmeSjöfart och logistik (180 hp)
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