Konceptframtagning av förhöjt tak på Volvo XC90

dc.contributor.authorBarck, Christoffer
dc.contributor.authorWallmark, Anders
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskapsv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Scienceen
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT This project has been carried out at Volvo Cars, Strategy & Innovations, Vehicle hardware in Torslanda, Gothenburg with the aim to produce a basis for how a design of a car roof for Volvo Cars with increased ceiling height could be performed. The purpose of the increased ceiling height is to create spaciousness in the car interior by increasing the cabin space. The purpose is also to increase the mobility of the passengers inside the cabin. Volvo Cars wants this elevated car roof to be retrofitted outside their existing factory as height restrictions make it impossible for customary fitting. The two final concepts that were developed during the course of the work are both constructed in a composite material where different materials work together to give special properties. In this case, a flax fibre fabric for strength, embedded in plastic to keep the fiber web in place and keep the weight down, which is important in view of the products position high up on the car. A soft, arched shape was chosen without sharp edges, which ensures good aerodynamics and provides rigidity to the design. It also turned out to be the most aesthetically pleasing shape of the elevated roof. The chosen material is also light-transmissive, which means that light is supplied to the passenger compartment and gives an increased sense of spaciousness. What distinguishes the two concepts is that one of them also contains a panoramic roof, that is, a glass window which makes the cabin seem even lighter. The elevated roof is secured and sealed to the body by gluing, and the joining of the two spaces is done by cutting a large hole in the existing sheet roof. At the front and rear of the raised roof there is room for sensors, which was a wish from Volvo Cars' side. Important delimitations for the report are not to look at how the elevated ceiling behaves in a collision as this requires advanced simulations which cost time and money and were not desirable from Volvo Cars' side.
dc.subjectInnovation och entreprenörskap (nyttiggörande)
dc.subjectInnovation & Entrepreneurship
dc.subjectMechanical Engineering
dc.titleKonceptframtagning av förhöjt tak på Volvo XC90
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete på grundnivåsv
local.programmeMaskinteknik 180 hp (högskoleingenjör)

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