A booklet for the mandatory Crowd and Crisis Management course – according to the STCW ’95 Convention
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Problem: Only compendiums are used in the CCM courses. There is a lot of literature on crisis management and human behaviour, but the authors did not find any book combining these two subjects. Existing literature is either too extensive or not fully relevant for seafarers. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to study theories related to crowd and crisis management and discuss them with course providers, course participants, authorities and specialists in the area. Further, the purpose is also, to use the result of the above mentioned study as a launch pad to start a writing process towards a booklet in Swedish on crowd and crisis management for seafarers. Completion of the writing process is outside the aim of this essay. The aim is that the booklet later on can be useful for students and seagoing personnel. Method: Interviews, literature studies and case studies. Results: The mandatory requirements for the Crowd and Crisis Management course are found in the Swedish Transport Agency (STA) TSFS 2010:20 Annex 18. In Sweden course providers have to be authorized by STA. At the time for this research there were six providers approved by STA. Through literature studies relevant theories in crisis management were found: Diffusion of innovations and emergency preparedness, The Situational Leadership model, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation model, Wilfred Bion’s theories on group dynamics, Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Recognition-primed decisions (RPD). The interviews showed that most of the course providers discussed situational leadership in their courses in one way or another. Course participants asked for more education in leadership and clear authoritative leadership, some of the interviewees asked for military inspired leadership training. There were also a demand for communication theories and theories on human behaviours. When the course providers were asked what they think a book about CCM shall include, they answered: stress and crisis reactions, International Safety Management (ISM) for preparedness, mental preparedness, reaction during an accident, awareness for group dynamics, human behaviour, communication and procedures for tactical thinking during stress. The views of the providers are thus more or less the same as the course curriculum provided by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Övrig annan teknik, Övrig annan samhällsvetenskap, Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified, Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified