Collaboration in Early Stages of Construction Project Development The Role of Internal Partnering

dc.contributor.authorLINDROTH, ANTON
dc.contributor.authorMAGNUSSON, GUSTAF
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadstekniksv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Architecture and Civil Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractReal estate developers and contractors have different knowledge and demands, to coordinate them into to successful and profitable internal projects puts high demand on internal collaboration. In early phases there is a balance of when to include contractors into projects, historically contractors have been involved late in processes when blueprints are completed but nowadays contractors gets involved earlier into the process through partnering and Design Build contracts. This puts high demands on a deeper collaboration and a well functional relation between parties. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to elaborate ways to collaborate and to evaluate how they work to achieve successful collaboration. However, as a collaborative concept, partnering is not obtained easily. High competence on how to manage and implement partnering is required to achieve potential advantages. To investigate how collaboration in early stages within internal partnering can be developed a literature review and an empirical study have been conducted. The empirical study contained interviews and an internal document review to give a multidimensional understanding of internal collaboration processes and was through a case project studied at a large construction corporate group. Soft factors as trust and cooperation ability together with hard components as contracts and incentive systems were found as the most important factors for successful internal collaborations. Cornerstones of partnering are presented as mutual goals, economy, understanding and organisation. However, there is a balance of interests and mutuality within internal strategic partnering that needs to be addressed to enable corporate group results. Overall, implementation of partnering requires a holistic adoption in processes and behaviours, however, it is concluded that organisations have implemented the concept but somehow forgotten to adopt the organisation.
dc.subjectCivil Engineering
dc.titleCollaboration in Early Stages of Construction Project Development The Role of Internal Partnering
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen
local.programmeDesign and construction project management (MPDCM), MSc

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