Vad gör en administratör när AI kommer och stör?
Examensarbete på kandidatnivå
Bohman, Emil
Eriksson, Alice
Eriksson Fjellheim, Gustav
Kihl, Filippa
Larsson, Linnea
Vestberg, Alfred
Human resources and payroll administration is an area that is encountering new challenges
and the needs are changing. The advancement regarding IT and AI today is evolving quickly
and much of the administrative work will in the near future be possible to automate away with
the help of artificial intelligence. This project researches the future employees' involvement in
the Human Resources area when artificial intelligence can unburden some of the
administrative work.
The result from this project can be divided into two parts. The first part is the result of the user
research and answers the given questions at issue. The user research presented a desire to
work more with the employees and their development and a demand for a program that could
support that type of work. The second part of the result is a prototype of a program that
demonstrates a few functions that the human resource department would benefit from when
their everyday tasks change from administrative to strategic.
This project has been carried out together with Hogia and its results can form a basis and
guide for Hogia in their further development of their services