Healing spaces: how can architecture help in the recovery from eating disorders?
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Architecture and urban design (MPARC), MSc
Nilsson, Saga
The environment in which we spend
our time while sick has been proven
to have an effect on how fast we
recover. Since our surroundings
affect us, the spaces in which we heal
deserves extra attention. Yet hospital-environments
are very rarely seen as
something positive or nice. Function
and hygiene is prioritized, and the
result often is sterile, unwelcoming
spaces. This is true even when the
need for sterility is lower, for example
while treating mental health issues.
This study investigates how
architecture could support recovery
for people struggling with eating
disorders. The study is conducted
through literature studies and
an interview with Stina Claesson,
responsible for the eating disorder
unit in Borås. The result of these
theoretic parts are then implemented
on a design proposal for a new,
external ward, where the activities
currently taking place in hospital-environments
can take place instead.
New elements are also proposed
to remove some of the stigma
surrounding eating disorders, and to
invite and educate the public.
During the Corona-epidemic, mental
health has become an issue for many
people. Worst of are the people
already struggling with mental health
issues, who risk a worsening of their
condition due to factors such as
isolation, or stress. This is why it’s
more important than ever to put
an emphasis on the environments
where we tend to our mental health.
The lessons learned in this thesis can
hopefully be implemented outside of
this study’s focus.
Healing architecture, eating disorders, mental health , biophilic design, healthcare architecture