Förenklad livscykelanalys för ett delvis återvunnet gummimaterial
Examensarbete på grundnivå
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to make a simplified life cycle assessment for a
partially recycled rubber material on behalf of AnVa Polytech AB.
AnVa Polytech AB produces molded elastomeric products. In recent years they have focused
on developing their own rubber material called “Climarub”, which is used for wheel
suspension in the automotive industry. Components of this material have gradually been
replaced with recycled or more environmentally friendly ingredients, such as recycled carbon
black and bio-oil.
The purpose of the simplified life cycle assessment was to analyze and visualize the amount
of carbon dioxide equivalents and environmental toxicity for the components of the rubber
material with a focus on fillers and stabilizers. AnVa Polytech AB is interested in further
developing the analysis in order to strive for a more environmentally sustainable material.
The result showed that carbon black and silica were the biggest contributors to carbon
dioxide emissions for the material, where the greatest impact came from production.
Furthermore, it showed that sulfur had the significantly largest impact on ecotoxicity
followed by zinc oxide. Overall, the result for human toxicity is small relative to ecotoxicity