How Digitalization influences Project Management Acceptance of Cloud-based Project Management Tools
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Master Thesis
Master Thesis
International Project Management
In project management, various tools are used to carry out projects according to the given conditions in cost, time and quality. Project management tools are used for planning, executing, controlling, documenting and communicating in projects. Digitalization and the associated rapid development in information technology leads to changes in the application of these tools. In particular, the development of cloud computing as a distribution channel causes changes. Cloud-based project management tools have changed the process of project management over the last few years. With this background, this study examines whether cloud-based project management tools can be accepted and the variables that will play a major role in the acceptance of such deployment. Cloud-based project management tools are used mostly by organizations for implementing projects. Despite strong interest in this technology from companies, these cloud-based project management tools are not comprehensively used in the business environment. As well as the benefits, the integration of these tools into project execution also leads to challenges for companies. Particularly problematic is the lack of acceptance of new technologies among the target users. Based on the experiences of active project managers, this research investigates which variables influence the acceptance of cloud-based project management tools by project managers and management personnel. In regard to a detailed literature study, two research questions were formulated to find the variables which influence the acceptance of cloud-based project management tools and corresponding strategies to increase the acceptance level. To answer the research questions, a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 2 was applied. The results of this research were collected through a quantitative survey of project managers and management personnel in different industries. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire. To analyse the data, a Cronbach alpha analysis and a regression analysis were performed by using the software Superior Performing Software System (SPSS). The research identifies the variables Subjective Norm, Output Quality and Result Demonstrability as the most important, with a significant impact on Perceived Usefulness. The Perceived Usefulness, together with the Perceived Ease of Use, influences the Intention to Use and thereby the acceptance of cloud-based project management tools by project managers and management personnel. In summary, it can be stated that cloud-based project management tool providers, who intend to implement cloud-based project management tools, should in particular focus on the Output Quality of the data.
Samhällsbyggnadsteknik , Civil Engineering