Could it be any easier? - Measures to deal with harassment at sea
Examensarbete pÄ grundnivÄ
Montenegro, Maria
Despite efforts made by organizations and stakeholders within Swedish shipping to improve the work-related environment and equality in the industry, studies have clarified that harassment and violations still occur and that they seem to occur to a greater extent than is reported. Therefore, a thematic analysis has been carried out in order to find out what 12 onboard employees from four different Swedish shipping companies identify as barriers for reporting harassment and abusive discrimination, why shipping may have dark numbers, and what improvements could streamline existing tools for work environment, equal treatment and reporting. Their answers showed that systematic work environment management (SAM) is something they are well acquainted with and something that is continuously followed. But despite active responsibility-taking and participation in SAM, and the shipping companies' efforts concerning the psychosocial work environment, such as adopting policies and training in equal treatment among other things, there seems to be a lack of trust in the available tools, which seems to be based on a lack of transparency, consensus, and follow-up. These shortcomings, combined with a relatively small industry seemingly to have an existing culture of silence, may be some of the reasons for the dark numbers. Therefore, it is concluded that there are good conditions for building on and complementing the current systems for equal treatment, with improvements in two major categories: that organizations should centrally clarify what is meant by harassment and violations as well as how these should be handled, and that organizations can use more of three of the already prevalent instruments, namely SAM, their occupational health services and their managers and leaders.
harassment , work environment , systematic work environment management , culture of silence , norms , polarization , leadership , code of conduct