Methods to evaluate room acoustical preferences regarding practice rooms - A study focusing on drummers and percussionists
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
This thesis targets the uncertainty among European standards of how to evaluate the room acoustic quality of drum practice rooms. The interaction between percussionists and practice environments is thoroughly investigated in order to understand player preferences and gain more knowledge of what they are based on. Furthermore, different evaluation methods are applied to a number of drum practice rooms to identify a suitable approach for future studies for determining room acoustical requirements. The results indicate that the acoustic environment can influence the strength, tempo and consistency of a percussionist’s playing style. The results also suggest that different acoustical requirements have to be considered for a performance environment and a practice environment. The two important aspects found for a practice situation are a clear and accurate feedback of the room as well as the possibility to learn how to adapt to different acoustic environments. With regard to the investigated room quality evaluation methods potential is seen in applying a listening test. Since the feedback of a room has been shown to be of importance also when evaluating the quality of a practice room a listening test with interactive elements could be further investigated.
Building Futures, Akustik, Building Futures, Acoustics