Managing life cycle assessment of buses An investigation on how Volvo Buses can meet environmental requirements from green public procurement, now and in the future
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Lindholm, Julia
Lorentzon, Louise
The public transport sector in Sweden is moving fast towards a more sustainable
future with the environmental criteria used in public procurement processes becoming
increasingly ambitious. This increased ambition, in turn, influences companies
active in the public transport sector. One of these companies is Volvo Buses; who
are among the world’s largest bus manufacturer. The thesis aimed at investigating
possible future environmental requirements in public procurement that might be relevant
for Volvo Buses and similar companies. Volvo Buses are currently conducting
life cycle assessments (LCAs) on buses, however, there is an ambition to make the
process more efficient. The thesis intended to identify areas of improvement in the
LCA process at Volvo Buses. In line with this were a reasonable level of detail of the
LCA investigated, as well as what phases in the life cycle that is the most relevant
to focus on.
The study found that as long the fuel is non-renewable, the rest of the life cycle
has close to negligible CO2 impact. As follows, to demand an LCA on an entire
bus would not add any further value to the public procurement process as the usephase
dominates the emissions. However, LCA becomes increasingly relevant when
the fuel used in the public transport sector moves towards more renewable sources.
In line with this are both the EU and local public transport agencies in Sweden
investigating the possibility to incorporate LCA in public procurement for buses.
In order to meet the requirements of tomorrow, Volvo Buses needs to improve the
structure surrounding the LCA continuously. In line with this should focus also be
on the integration of life cycle management deeper into the organisation by including
other operations within and external to the organisation. With a more agile and
fast-paced LCA process, combined with the extensive knowledge that already exists,
Volvo Buses would be ready to excel in future procurement processes.
Life Cycle Assessment , Green public procurement , Buses , Public Transport , Environmental