Konceptframtagning av dubbelsätesanordning för höghastighetsbåtar
Examensarbete på grundnivå
The following report is written on behalf of Ullman Dynamics and for Chalmers university of
technology. In the report, the process of finding a solution for a new kind of suspension seat
used in high-speed boats is presented.
Ullman Dynamics is a company located in Gothenburg, who specializes in the production and
development of shock mitigating seats, designed for high-speed boat travel, with the main
clientele being coastguards and naval institutions worldwide. Back injuries and fatigue are two
of the main obstacles that must be cleared in this field, where weather conditions aren’t within
control and can heavily complicate things. Worsened weathers conditions can mean bigger
waves, exposing the boat for bigger impacts and in return, its passengers. The Ullman Dynamics
suspension seats are world leading in performance with a spring unit able to mitigate half the
number and force of impacts endured.
Ullman Dynamics, whilst being a frontrunner in the world of shock mitigation never stops
evolving and looking for new possibilities, new markets and technology reveals new
challenges. As of today, the selection of Ullman seats is all mounted on an independent
foundation to the hull. But with the existing demand of two seats mounted on a shared
foundation, Ullman are eager to find a solution.
The central focus of this project is to explore the possibility of finding a solution to the problem
at hand without the effect on the seats performance being too significant. Along with exploring
the possibility of implementing a transformation of the seats to make room on deck when they
aren’t in use.
A result is achieved using methods of a concept development process, firstly getting acquainted
with the technology and current selection. Followed by seeking documentation and inspiration
from similar solutions. Generating and evaluating several concepts, to find a concept which
best meets the requirements. Said concept follows a refining process to find potential flaws and
make improvements. The resulting concept is presented as rendered pictures of the finalized
The report concludes with a discussion section regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the
result, together with recommendations towards making further improvements to the product.
Shock mitigation, suspension seats, concept development, Mechanical Engineering, product development