System Log File Anomaly Detection with Sparse Transformer Models
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Physics (MPPHS), MSc
Log anomaly detection is a useful tool for analyzing system log files and is based on
identifying anomalous log messages in such files. Recent years have seen a surge in
the use of automated, machine learning/artificial intelligence-based, methods for log
anomaly detection. This is due to a general increase of system complexity, which
has made manual methods a very time consuming and difficult task. The natural
language processing based transformer model has seen success in the field of log
anomaly detection but may fail in cases where log data is highly unstructured and
where anomalous log messages may be far apart. One reason for this could be the
transformer model’s squared dependency on input length, limiting how many log
messages can be used as input to the model. So called sparse transformers address
this problem with different variants achieving sub-quadratic dependencies on input
length. In this project, one transformer-based model and two sparse transformerbased
models are investigated and compared in their effectiveness for log anomaly
detection in system log files.
The transformer-based model uses a BERT-style architecture whereas the two sparse
transformer-based models use a Big Bird- and a Longformer-type architecture. All
three models then have a hyperspherical loss function applied directly on the raw
model outputs. These outputs are then used to compute an anomaly score which
in turn is used to classify a log message as being either normal or anomalous. Furthermore,
all models are scaled down and trained from scratch on system log files in
order to make them fit on the GPU. The log files used for evaluation in this project
are the two open source data sets Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and
BlueGene/L (BG/L) as well as one Ericsson system log data set.
All models are evaluated on annotated test data sets and the two main metrics looked
at are F1-scores and estimated anomaly score probability density functions. Across
the data sets, the highest F1-scores are achieved by the sparse transformer based
models suggesting that the increased input size does affect performance. However,
the highest F1-scores vary among the data sets with some only being slightly higher
than those achieved by the transformer-based model, suggesting future to work explore
other areas to increase performance. The estimated anomaly score probability
density functions show a general tendency of the models failing to separate normal
and anomalous log messages, although some models show hints of separation on
certain data sets.
log anomaly detection, natural language processing, transformer, sparse transformer