Autonomous City - The vehicle electronics and connected services industry cluster in western Sweden towards 2030
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Quality and operations management (MPQOM), MSc
Brengesjö, Lydia
Vallin, Signe
he traditional automotive sector is changing rapidly with new innovations within electronics and software, due to the digitalization. Mobility as a service, autonomous cars, big data, smart lanes and cars that can be upgraded are just some examples of how the industry will change more in the next 10 years than it has in the past 50. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to give recommendations for how to develop a cluster within the vehicle electronics and connected services industry in western Sweden. Furthermore, scenarios for the future were developed, together with estimations of how employment in the cluster could be affected. This study was performed using both qualitative and quantitative methods i.e. a mixed methods approach. To fulfil the purpose of the study, a theoretical framework was presented to achieve a common understanding of cluster and scenario planning theory. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data about the perquisites in the region for a cluster within the chosen industry. Also, scenario planning was used to develop four possible scenarios for the future, with estimations of how the scenarios would affect the employment. Data used for these estimations was sourced from the Statistics Sweden (SCB). Furthermore, findings from interviews and industry reports were analysed with the theoretical framework. Together with results from scenario planning, these findings were used to develop recommendations of how the cluster development could be facilitated in the region. The recommended actions included bridging gaps with assistance from a cluster organization and other facilitators, developing a shared goal and strategy, finding pre-competitive collaboration projects, and helping small companies and startups with applications for funding. Keywords:
Transport , Övrig industriell teknik och ekonomi , Transport , Other industrial engineering and economics