A content management tool for the QES system - Developing of a web-based content management tool for touch printers

dc.contributor.authorMilojevic, Dejan
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers)sv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)en
dc.description.abstractQueuing systems are an important part of stores, hospital, banks and other departments. QMatic AB is a world-leading company in the area of queuing systems and effectiveness of customer flows. The core products when handling customer flows are the touch printers, containing a screen where a visitor at i.e. a bank office can choose the type of service demand. The visitor gets a ticket printed and is then put into a virtual queue; there is a computer system is taking care to call the waiting clients to different workstations to be served. The problem QMatic has is that the customers buying the touch printers are not able to manage the content in a feasible way. To solve the problem an investigation has been done by developing a proof of concept content management tool for editing content that can be presented on the touch printers. This report will show how the analysis and modeling is done to finally in an iterative way implement defined use cases, to finally produce a prototype of an editor tool integrated into QES; a web-based enterprise system to handle customer flows. With the tool an administrator is able to in a straightforward way produce content that could be presented and used on the touch printers. The result is a web-based editor where end-users can create content by using drag-and-drop and finally publish the content on the touch printers. In the appendix of this report there is screenshots of the developed application.
dc.subjectSoftware Engineering
dc.titleA content management tool for the QES system - Developing of a web-based content management tool for touch printers
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen

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