Build Housing not Parking: A managerial perspective on parking and mobility in Swedish new housing developments
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Today there are approximately 20 million parking spaces in Sweden, which is more
than four parking spaces per registered car. Yet the municipal demands are to build
more at every new housing development, even though parking is strongly connected
to car use and high greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the construction of
parking is a considerable part of the construction cost in new housing development.
With this as a starting point, this thesis investigates; how Swedish cities are managing
parking and mobility today, how parking can be managed more sustainably in the
future, and how parking affects the development and building of new housing. As a
method for answering this, a survey and interview study have been conducted with
involved stakeholders, to get a wide picture of the current situation and future
possibilities for change, a complementary document study has been conducted as
well. In this thesis, an interpretation of the middle-out framework is used to analyse
the different stakeholders’ roles in enabling and sustaining the identified need for
change within the management of parking and mobility in new housing development
in Sweden. This thesis identifies a need for increased sharing around parking and
mobility, leading to a need for planning at a neighbourhood level to create a
functioning market for parking and mobility. To reach this, there is a need for more
evidence-based decisions for stakeholders to be able to make decisions that may be
challenging and less popular, differing from current societal norms, and which are
aimed at promoting sustainable development. Furthermore, it is of the essence to plan
for the cities we want, not basing decisions on the current situation and norms. As
future research it is important to further establish how different mobility services
correspond to a reduction in parking demand, further evaluate the legal room
connected to the issues, as well as the effect a separation of the parking and mobility
market from the housing market would have
Parking management, Mobility management, Shared parking, Mobility services, Parking purchase