Varierande inleveransvolymer inom dagligvaruhandeln - en fallstudie på Dagab Inköp & Logistik

dc.contributor.authorJohalnsson, Åsa
dc.contributor.authorRosman, Joel
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknikens ekonomi och organisationsv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Technology Management and Economicsen
dc.description.abstractE2017:016, Supply chain complexity and variable delivery volumes make purchasing and warehouse logistics key factors for becoming competitive in the grocery industry. This case study elucidates both causes, and likely solutions, to backlog problems occurring at the loading dock of the wholesale grocery company Dagab of the Axfood Group. On-site observations and staff interviews were performed for the study. The purpose of the study was to propose improvements that may lead to more efficient planning of deliveries for storage warehouses in the grocery retail industry. Variation in demand for both the type and quantity of goods was found to be a cause for warehouse complexity, often creating a significant need for logistical flexibility in purchasing, and on the warehouse floor. Large purchases that deviated from the regular flow of goods, for example, sales campaigns or increased holiday demand, proved to be the main cause of loading-dock backlogs. This was especially problematic when individual deliveries converged due to large delivery volumes; these often resulted in problematic truck ques at the loading dock. Four principal areas of improvement were identified in Dagab’s current working methods. (1) Operational purchasers at Dagab must remain flexible in their purchasing methods and adapt methods according to the period’s demand pattern. Increased planning of large delivery volumes both during sales campaigns, and before holidays, would reduce strain within the loading dock. (2) Lack of understanding regarding the entire distribution chain prevented employees from making correct decisions at times when efficiency and productivity was most needed. In many cases this could easily have been avoided if there was more focus on cross-departmental communication. (3) Some goods occupy buffer locations and cause unnecessary handling at the warehouse. It would be advantageous to follow the cost of the goods throughout the whole flow, rather than focusing only on the purchase price. And (4), there is a lack of standardized working methods and routine. A higher standard of common working methods would increase efficiency and simplify many of the processes that tend to cause problems during peak periods. The removal of unnecessary workloads and streamlining of processes would add benefit for the company. The implementation of strategies such as these are likely to alleviate problems regarding variable delivery volumes at the loading dock, which would streamline the movement of goods through Dagab and for similar companies.
dc.subjectÖvrig industriell teknik och ekonomi
dc.subjectOther industrial engineering and economics
dc.titleVarierande inleveransvolymer inom dagligvaruhandeln - en fallstudie på Dagab Inköp & Logistik
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete på grundnivåsv
local.programmeEconomics and manufacturing technology (180 hp)
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