Implementation of Digital Tools in Construction - Digital Maturity and Transformation

dc.contributor.authorARRHENIUS, Linnea
dc.contributor.authorLINELL, Martin
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE)sv
dc.contributor.examinerJohansson, Mikael
dc.contributor.supervisorJohansson, Mikael
dc.description.abstractDigitization in the construction industry has a predominant focus on the implementation of digital tools in the early stages. In order to increase the digital maturity over the entire life cycle of the building project, more focus and resources are therefore needed for the implementation of digital tools during the production phase. Dalux is a digital tool for this, and Dalux field is the software that has been adapted for the production phase. The purpose of this thesis is how a digital tool can be implemented for the production phase in construction and to identify which prerequisites that are needed for the implementation. For the implementation, a digital transformation is executed in order to adapt the tool to the construction site, and both soft and hard parameters must be considered. The study's outcome will provide a better grasp of how a digital tool should be implemented for the production phase of a construction project. For academical contribution there are additional suggestions for how a wider perspective should be considered and that there are more research views than simply how it should be applied directly on-site. A literature review served as the thesis's basis in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the subject and to develop a theoretical framework that encompassed the thesis's scope. The empirical chapter of the thesis accompanied the literature study with a qualitative abductive method in the construction industry, with semi-structured interviews providing as the thesis' backbone. Initially, the thesis tried to identify the prerequisites for the implementation of a digital tool for the construction site. However, during the process, the digital transformation was even more crucial. And as a result, the most important prerequisites in the implementation of a digital tool were the transformation, which naturally lead to the understanding of the prerequisites for the digital implementation of the tool. Several prerequisites were found to be necessary for the implementation of a digital tool for the production phase in this thesis. These were divided into three phases, aligned with the digital transformation, where the first was before the implementation, the second during the implementation and the third was after the implementation. Acceptance of the implementation, clear communication, a vision and goal, extensive analysis, and specialists were the first prerequisites before the implementation. Suitable technology, the will of individuals, generalists and specialists, proper training and support, and time committed to mastering the digital tool were all required during the actual implementation. Persistence, a clear consequence of simplification, additional decision-making, development, and knowledge transfer to the next project are all necessary after an implementation. The conclusion shows that only a common digital maturity can be achieved if the digital transformation is followed step by step. Even during the implementation of a digital tool, the perspective of the users should also be prioritized as it is those who will use the tool in their daily work. Employees must be involved in the digital transformation; otherwise, resistance may occur, and digital maturity will be difficult to achieve just by implementing new technology without fostering a digital open culture in the
dc.subjectDigital maturitysv
dc.subjectDigital Transformationsv
dc.subjectDigital toolsv
dc.subjectProduction Phasesv
dc.titleImplementation of Digital Tools in Construction - Digital Maturity and Transformationsv
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
local.programmeDesign and construction project management (MPDCM), MSc
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