Additiv tillverkning av lättviktslösningar för elektrifierade drivlinor
Examensarbete på kandidatnivå
Jaksic, Sandra
Johansson, William
Johnsson, Julia
Jost auf der Stroth, Sofia
Nilsson, Sofia
Palm, Emilia
The automotive industry is facing major challenges to switch from internal
combustion engine operation to electric operation, where the conventional engine is
replaced by an "e-axle", and transmission as well as power electronics are
integrated in a compact solution. Continuing to develop the electric powertrain
requires complex solutions, which places demands on today’s traditional
manufacturing methods. Additive manufacturing (AM), colloquially called 3D
printing, is a manufacturing method that has received much attention in recent
years due to its advantageous properties that can create geometrically smart and
functional lightweight solutions. The purpose of this study is to visualize how it is
possible to apply lightweight solutions to electric powertrains via AM. The aim is
also to analyze why AM is not used in greater extent in industries today. The
study includes some limitations such as; it will only address AM in metal, the
study will only take passenger cars in consideration and specific cost analysis will
not be addressed. The report is a literature study and the sources used are
scientific articles, journals, books and websites. The discussion analyses whether it
is appropriate to use AM on various components in the driveline, which results in
it not being useful for larger parts that are exposed to large cyclic loads as it
results in fatigue. Smaller components with complex geometries and design
requirements, on the other hand, can be manufactured very well via AM. The
performance is also discussed, which can be designed via truss structures to reduce
noise in the driveline. The effect of reducing the weight of an electric car is both
positive and negative, positive when it increases range but negative when
regenerative braking gives energy back to the battery and benefits from higher
weight. Other aspects of why AM is not used to a greater extent are because of the
metal powder being very expensive, the production speed is low and AM is best
suited for production in smaller series. The conclusion is that it is possible to
create lightweight solutions using AM in metal but it is not always advantageous
because of the limitations stated above.
Additive manufacturing , lightweight solutions , electric powertrain , electric drivetrain