Application monitoring Analyzing and testing application monitoring and investigating event triggered automation

dc.contributor.authorBertrandsson, Martin
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers)sv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)en
dc.description.abstractIn TeliaSonera, IT Operation is working on consolidating ticket and monitoring tools with a common ITIL based system called IPcenter. Today, IPcenter is serving as an umbrella system for other monitoring tools. Next step is to implement the monitoring module called IPmon and replace the other tools. Transformation Automation Application (TAA) was a project assigned to investigate how to best implement this new monitoring tool from an application operation perspective. TeliaSonera wanted to investigate how the new tool worked and how to set up standard and custom application alarms. IPcenter also provides automation features that can reduce reoccurring manual work and incident downtime. The project aimed to find candidates for automation in a series of workshops together with the application operation teams. The workshops resulted in some new automation, mainly reducing manual work in IPcenter administration and ticket handling. The risk of restarting a process or system automatically is often greater than the time saved on the automation. If there is a reoccurring problem with an application, then the bug needs to be corrected by the vendor. The overhead and time spent creating such automation could take longer than the actual bug fix from the IT system vendor. Beside event triggered automation, the focus for this thesis was to dissect and analyze the monitoring tool IPmon in IPcenter compared to existing tools and to add application alarms on a couple of test systems as a proof of concept. During this work the project group found that the system provides good network and server infrastructure monitoring but lacks good support for application monitoring in complex environments. Furthermore it had no support to add custom alarms/scripts. These findings eventually led the vendor to change existing monitoring modules and also to develop a new module that now provides an interface for adding custom scripts. The findings made in this project will be used in another project that will carry on implementing IPmon.
dc.subjectData- och informationsvetenskap
dc.subjectComputer and Information Science
dc.titleApplication monitoring Analyzing and testing application monitoring and investigating event triggered automation
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete på grundnivåsv
local.programmeDataingenjör (180 hp)
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