Innovative procurement strategies for the implementation of technology in Ethiopian public client building projects: To enhance project performance.
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Design and construction project management (MPDCM), MSc
Tiruneh, Yared Assefa
Public construction project plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Ethiopia,
however, the performance of the projects faces significant challenges. Technologies have great
potential to enhance the performance of construction projects by addressing the challenges.
Public procurnment is a tool for public clients to fulfill their needs, and it plays a crucial role
in implementing technologies in public client construction projects. This study aimed to
investigate how requirements in public procurement can promote the implementation of
technologies in Ethiopian public client projects. Additionally, it sought to identify the main
barriers and opportunities to a successful implementation of these technologies by establishing
them as requirements in the procurement process. Through a literature study and semi structured interviews with relevant stakeholders in the construction industry, the knowledge
and experience on the subject have been compared and analyzed. The study shows that the
existing Ethiopian public procurement directive and other recognized legal documents do not
specifically mention the implementation of technologies in public construction projects. Lack
of suitable procurnment policy, lack of knowledge and experienced stakeholders with
technologies, lack of availability of technologies in the market, and lack of standards,
specifications, and guidelines are the major barriers to implementing technologies in public
construction projects by establishing them as requirements in the procurement processes.
Clearly including technologies or new ideas in the public procurement directives or other legal
documents, either as optional or mandatory requirements is the first step to implementing
technologies in the public client construction project, and it facilitates their implementation.
Furthermore, to address the challenges and successfully implement technologies, the
government must Build suitable frameworks to enhance the collaboration among stakeholders
and leverage the stakeholders' potential.
Requirements , Technology , Public procurement , Construction industry , Public client