Development of 1D Numerical Framework for Laser Induced Cavitation
Examensarbete för masterexamen
In this thesis work, we numerically investigate the life cycle of a laser induced cavitation.
An in-house numerical tool is used and further developed. Simulations are
carried out to model the growth and collapse of a vapor bubble in a superheated
solution. The purpose behind this study is to increase our understanding of the
bubble dynamics and the extreme physical conditions within and surrounding the
laser induced cavity. The application of this work is within the field of laser induced
crystallization, where the cavity serves as the crystal nucleation site.
Proper modeling of all relevant physical phenomena is necessary to fully capture the
right dynamics. The existing in-house code was developed for cavities induced by
lower energy densities lasers. To extend the code to handle higher energy densities,
often used in experimental studies, we identified the liquid compressibility and the
formation of plasma to have significant effects. Different modeling techniques were
implemented to account for a compressible liquid and simulations were performed
to assess the effects of plasma formation.
The developed numerical framework is able to produce qualitatively and quantitatively
promising results for both thermo- and laser induced cavitation. The results
suggest compressibility effects are of major importance during the formation and
collapse of the bubble. The presence of plasma is also shown to be significant,
particularly during the early stages of the growth phase. Our results are in fair
agreement with both experimental and analytical data from literature. The reasons
behind observed differences are discussed, and suggestions for future work and
improvements are proposed. This thesis work can help better understand the underlying
physics of laser induced cavitation and help industry to design an adequate
environment for a well controlled crystallization.
Crystallization, Laser Induced Cavity, Bubble Dynamics, Vapor Bubble, Numerical Framework, Compressible Liquid, Plasma formation