Utveckling av sorteringsutrustning som säkerhetsställer orientering av produkter vid mängdpåfyllning av magasin

The thesis at GOT Design aims to develop a new solution for sorting equipment that ensures that the orientation of tampons when refilling a magazine in bulk. The current dispenser used by GOT Design requires tampons to be refilled one at a time, and the purpose of this project is to create a mechanical concept that allows for bulk refilling of the dispenser. The first phase of the work involved a preliminary study, which include patent searches to investigate existing solutions to similar problems, as well as historical solutions. This phase also included a market analysis to identify existing solutions from competitors in the current market and an examination of the size of hygiene boxes and containers found in public restrooms. Insights from this phase were then used as the basis for creating a functional analysis and a requirement specification. In the next step, insights from the previous phase were combined with methods such as brainwriting and brainstorming to generate ideas. Several different ideas emerged, and sketches and mockups were created for these. The ideas formed the basis for different concepts that were then compared and evaluated using tests and a Pugh matrix. After evaluation and testing, the “Funnel concept” emerged as the winner. It was then divided into subsystems, which were then further developed individually. In this stage 3D-printed components were used, which then formed the basis for a final concept. The final concept is based on the results obtained from the investigations and tests conducted. The concept features a funnel with an angled cylinder at the bottom. Inside the angled cylinder, there is a “stirrer” that can rotate. The main function of the concept is that the tampons slide down the funnel due to gravity and then, with the help of the “stirrer’s” rotation, they orient themselves correctly in the cylinder and falls into a magazine. The final concept is mechanical and based on a simple solution, that solves the task of orienting the tampons. It is recommended to further test the concept and optimize the various components to ensure the reliability of the dispenser.
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