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- PostExo Explorer: A procedurally generated solar system - An application for interactive exploration of a procedurally generated solar system containing diverse ecosystems(2023) Båtsman Hilmersson, Joel; Forsberg, Elin; Gustafsson, Isak; Hansson, Isak; Hästmark, Manfred; Persson, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Ahrendt, Wolfgang; Björk, StaffanThis project aims to develop a solar system in the Unity game engine, focusing on procedural content generation (PCG) for planets and their ecosystems. PCG, which utilizes algorithms and randomness to generate content automatically, offers a promising approach to create a vast and immersive solar system. This report will present an application of PCG to generate a solar system for users to explore and interact with. Challenges faced during development, such as adapting common 2D programming techniques to 3D spheres, are also discussed. The resulting system includes forests, lakes and various creatures on each planet, with climates adding to the environment’s complexity. The creatures have hunger, thirst, and reproduction capabilities, which contribute to a dynamic ecosystem. This project establishes a strong foundation for researchers and developers interested in PCG and its applications in creating vast and immersive environments.
- PostPulse Oximetry: The impact of the computer engineer(2023) James, Molly; Nafuna, Valeria; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Almström Duregård,, Jonas; Svensson, LarsIn 1935 Karl Mattes a professor in physiology introduced the pulse oximeter whichis a non invasive device that is used for measuring oxygen saturation level and pulserate. Pulse oximeter is based on the principle that oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhe-moglobin absorb light of different wavelength differently. The device has played ahuge role in vital remote monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic as patientswere able to take readings at home which was a relieve to the pressure on the healthcentres. However the Center of Disease Control(CDC) reported in February 2021about the possibility of the pulse oximeter having inaccurate reading on patientswith dark skin.The role of this report is to understand the functionality and the principles onwhich the pulse oximeter works and why its less effective on patients with darkskin. Further more the report presents possible solution to the existing problem.The group constructed a pulse oximeter and carried out measuring on differentskin tones of the test subjects. The results from the reading didn’t provide enoughinformation for the group to conclude that indeed the pulse oximeter is ineffective onpatients with dark skin tone since they were inconsistent and fluctuating. Howeverfrom the research carried out by Takashi and Betsy, the group came to that thepulse oximeter is less effective on people with dark skin.
- PostOptimizing Quantum Computer Simulations With Data Compression & GPU Acceleration(2022) Ljung, Erik; Petrov, Darko; Bråberg, Felix; Forssén, Björn; Ringmar, Beata; Hedlund, Jonas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Linde, Arne; Petersen Moura Trancoso, Pedro; Zouzoula, StavroulaSimulating quantum computers involves high memory usage and often long execution times. For that reason the purpose of this project was to analyze whether data compression and GPU acceleration can be used to run simulations with more qubits than previously allowed. Ultimately this project sheds some light on how GPU acceleration and data compression algorithms, ZFP and FPZIP, impact the amount of qubits that are able to be simulated. The simulator tested in this project was a modified version of the Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit (QuEST). From the results of this project it was found that data compression shows good potential in decreasing the total memory usage per qubit size. However, the use of data compression negatively impacted the execution time, but by using GPU acceleration the impact was reduced.
- PostImplementation av Elasticsearch i Lina(2022) GUSTAVSSON, KATARINA; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Duregård, Jonas; Svensson, LarsFoxway använder i sitt dagliga arbete en egenutvecklad plattform kallad Lina. I takt med att företaget expanderar ökar kraven på de sökfunktioner som finns i systemet. Detta projekt har undersökt möjligheterna att implementera sökmotorn Elasticsearch i Lina för att effektivisera sökfunktionaliteten och förkorta svarstider. Målet med projektet var att den nya implementationen ska kunna göra samma typ av sökningar som systemet kan med nuvarande implementation men med förkortade svartider. Med hjälp av Elasticsearch och Logstash har en prototyp utvecklats som en omarbetning av det existerande systemet. API-anrop som skickas från Linas användargränssnitt hämtar data, som på förhand indexerats genom Logstash, från Elasticsearch. Själva omarbetningen var lyckad men målet att förkorta svarstiderna uppnåddes inte.
- PostAlgoritmer och simulation för en dynamiskt uppdaterbar ruttplanerare(2022) JAKOBSSON, OSKAR; AXETORN, JONATAN; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Almström Duregård, JonasBzzt AB is a logistics company that focuses on optimised routes for deliveries. A problem that occurs when building software to optimise routes is the traveling salesman problem (TSP). TSP can be applied to many areas including the vehicle routing problem (VRP). Both VRP and TSP are two well documented areas of research, and there are multiple variations of the problems. A study of industrystandard solutions was conducted before moving on to development. This report presents and compares three different solutions to a modified version of TSP, a bruteforce solution, an euclidean approximation and a greedy approximation. Based on the results derived from testing the algorithms onto four different scenarios the conclusion is that the euclidean approximation consistently calculates suitable routes based on the criterias stated. To conduct this comparison a simulation- and testing environment has also been developed. This software is engineered to represent a real world scenario by generating events and simulating the passing of time. The simulation- and testing software also gathers the information from the calculations and condenses the data into a readable format. New algorithms can be tested through the simulation-software to analyse the efficiency based on stated criteria.