Business strategy for seamless charging of BEVs
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Management and economics of innovation (MPMEI), MSc
Ascard, Nicole
Wingö, Sara
All industries changes and evolves overtime ,where the automotive industry is no
exception. Stricter emission regulations,together with technological trends influ-
ences both the business situation and the quest forcompetitiv eadvantage.The
thesis aims to bring insights for creating a business strategy fo rseamless charging of
BEVs,by investigating how automotive actors can gain competitiveness by enabling
charging infrastructure.To answer there search question,the threed ifferent areas
of understanding the industry,understanding th eusers,and understanding the EV
business ecosystem was exploredii n this masterthesis.
The theoretical framework builds upon literature of industrial transformation,dif-
fusion, and businessmodels.The thesis had a qualitativ eresearch approach with
22 semi-structured interviews,with carefully selected actors within the EV business
ecosystem. The empirical data shows amixofopinions from the differentactors
and the data was sorted and structured into the following sections:Actorviews on
BEVs,Charging and Charging Infrastructure,Actor’s Way of Working regarding
Electromobility,Collaboration between Actors,Sustainability and Actor Views on
the Future.Charging infrastructure can beviewed as a complement to cars,increas-
ing the value of cars.
The analysis is divided into the afore mentionedt hree areas.Understandingt he
industry is related to diffusion of EVs,chargingin frastructure and differences be-
tween charging infrastructure and gasstations.Understanding the user implies
exploring the consumer perspective,where charge anxiety,range anxiety and price
concerns were touched upon.The third area of thea nalys is explore the business
perspective of chargingi nfrastructure,where the EVbusiness ecosystem is linked
to the economics of charging infrastructure,its relation to sustainability and the
responsible actor in the EVbusiness ecosystem.By managing change,afirm can
gain competitiveness which together with business model fo rcharging infrastructure
is further explored in the discussion.
This study was performed in collaboration with the innovationcentre CEVT,hence,
their role in the ecosystem is discussed.The thesis ha smapped different stakehold-
ers that are connected to charginginfrastructure and interviewed different actors to
gain a deeper understanding of their roles,the EVindustry,theend-users and the
EV business ecosystem they allinteractin.Chargingandcharginginfrastructure
are keypartsintheindustrialtransformationoftheautomotiveindustry.Inconclu-
sion, tocreateaplanforlearningandadaptingtoindustrychangesbyinnovating
existing businessmodels,automotiveindustryactorscouldgaincompetitivenessby
enabling ChargingInfrastructureforBEVs
Electric Vehicle , Business Strategy , Charging Infrastructure, , Business Model Innovation, , Diffusion , Industrial Transformation, , Business Ecosystem.