The productive fringe: making Gothenburg self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits by exploring urban agriculture in the intermediate city

Examensarbete för masterexamen
Architecture and urban design (MPARC), MSc
EL-Rifai, Lina
Seevers, Linnéa
Food production, which is linked to social- ecological sustainability and food security, is a major concern in Sweden. Sweden imports double the amount of agricultural food items that it exports. If an unforeseen tragedy or crisis strikes, Swedish agriculture will be unable to function without imported fertiliser and fodder. Agriculture is one of the most essential operations since it produces food for the human race. Many of the sustainability concerns posed by urbanisation and a growing population can be mitigated by urban agriculture. This thesis aims to present ways to implement agriculture in the intermediate city, which can be defined as the link between rural and urban, by utilising residual spaces within existing typologies and fabric, such as rooftops, facades, courtyards, streets, parks, and undeveloped spaces. Furthermore, the aim is to explore if the intermediate parts of the city can make the whole municipality of Gothenburg self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits. This investigation is addressed by picking a site that depicts a typical configuration of the intermediate city in Gothenburg and then calculating a potential yield in this specific area. In order to highlight the benefits of agriculture in a project, it is also intended to enhance the practical skills of architects and planners at all stages of the planning process. At the end of the research, a handbook is produced showcasing today’s agriculture systems and design ideas on how to integrate these systems into the built fabric and the open spaces in their surrounding. The exploration of the research questions consisted of utilising the knowledge gathered through literature studies and reference projects about the agricultural systems and their productivity. Combining this information with various analyses of the selected site allowed the programming of the land according to its optimal agricultural functions. The simple answer to the question is: yes, urban agriculture in the intermediate city can produce enough vegetables and fruits to make Gothenburg self-sustaining.
Urban agriculture, self-sufficiency, intermediate city, agricultural systems, food production
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