Consequence footprint analysis of benefits of CE scenario for cities - Case study for Beijing and Shanghai
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
To reduce resource use in cities and relieve environmental pressure, circular economy
(CE) strategies are widely mentioned and gradually applied. To quantify and evaluate
the impacts of CE strategies for urban development in both resource use and CO2
emission perspectives, this study evaluates resource consumption and environmental
impacts (focusing on CO2 emissions) with CE strategies and how much they can reduce
the CO2 emission for the study cities, Shanghai and Beijing, by scenarios generation
(Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario and Circular Economy (CE) scenario) and MRIO
CE scenarios reduce around 10515 million Euro household expenditure in total for
Shanghai and around 20475 million Euro household expenditure for Beijing compared
with BAU scenarios. For the environmental impacts, the CO2 emission per capita can
be reduced by 37% and the total CO2 emission can be reduced by 34% from 2017 in
Beijing. The CO2 emission per capita for Shanghai can be reduced by 28% and the total
CO2 emission can be reduced by 26%. It is worth mentioning that compared to Shanghai,
the CO2 reduction of the CE scenario in Beijing is substantial on top of the reduction
already achieved by the BAU scenario.
The results indicate that for the collected targets and plans, the CE strategies are more
effective for Beijing to reduce resource consumption and CO2 emission. For Shanghai,
the effect on emission reduction is not significant, and more ambitious CE strategies
should be considered in the future.
circular economy, scenario, MRIO, CO2 footprint