Vulnerable Road User head impact evaluation for bus front ends using Finite element model
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Automotive engineering (MPAUT), MSc
Pujari, Aditya Shashikant
Numerical studies in crashworthiness have played an important role in optimizing
vehicle design and making them pedestrian friendly. The developments seen in
passenger vehicle exceeds the developments in bus when concerning pedestrian
safety. Head injury is one of the most frequently sustained injuries during an
impact between a bus and a pedestrian and these typically result in a 20% fatality
rate. The impact may produce pure linear acceleration of the head but typically
also produce rotation acceleration of the head. The head kinematics are known to
highly influence the type of resulting head injuries. In this master’s thesis, head to
bus front impacts were simulated and the responses were evaluated to study the
effect of head impact location, orientation, and velocity on head kinematics and
injury risks. Finite Element (FE) models of a free-motion head form and a Hybrid
III 50th percentile male crash test dummy and a of a naked frame of Scania lowentry comfort bus with attached front windscreen and plastic panel were used in
this study. The Head Injury Criteria, Rotational Injury Criteria, and the Power
Rotational Head Injury Criteria were used to estimate the injury risks. The
resulting injury risks based on linear accelerations were similar for the simulated
impacts when the human head was represented by the free-motion headform and
the human was represented by the Hybrid III model.Since the estimated head injury
based on rotational accelerations were rather high the Hybrid III is the
recommended tool for bus front head injury risk estimations.
Head impact , Injury criteria , Free motion headform , Hybrid III dummy , Crash test , Skull fracture , Traumatic brain injury , Bus