Examensarbeten på grundnivå


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    Portable Electronics For Graphene Biosensor
    (2024) Brevitz, Jimmy; Olofsson, Vincent; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för elektroteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering; Maaskant, Rob
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    Simulating Shazam: Acoustic Fingerprinting for Music Identification A Comprehensive Study on Developing a Song Recognition System
    (2024) Gyllenhammar, Rasmus; Lennernäs, Christoffer; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för elektroteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering; Durisi, Giuseppe; Aliakbari, Javad
    Abstract This report explains the implementation, design and testing of the core functionalities of Shazam. Shazam identifies songs by capturing short audio segments and matches them against a sizeable database. The program is coded in Python and with MySQL for the database. To perform tests, both audio files and a microphone are used to catch the samples of the songs. The results of the project are deemed successful as it can detect songs from a 10 second sample of a song. In conclusion, the project demonstrates a strong foundation to continue developing the project to simulate Shazam.
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    Konstruktion av Fordons Batteri Simulator för Träning - Construction of Vehicle Battery Simulator for Training
    (2024) Babaiy, Robin; Ghazi, Baslan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för elektroteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering; Thiringer; Ericsson, Niclas; Stucinskas, Evaldas
    Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete har framgångsrikt utvecklat en avancerad batterisimulator för elfordon, i ett samarbete mellan AdaptFuture, Novo Energy, och Business Region Göteborg. Projektet har fokuserat på att skapa en innovativ utbildningsresurs, designad för att förbereda nästa generationens tekniker för den snabbt växande elfordonsteknologin. Genom att integrera en simulerad EV-batterimiljö inom en lättanvänd och transportabel väska, har arbetet syftat till att tillhandahålla en hands-on erfarenhet som kompletterar traditionell teoretisk utbildning. Simulatorn utnyttjar AdaptFutures IoT-system för att erbjuda en rad interaktiva scenarion, vilket simulerar verkliga utmaningar som tekniker möter i arbetet med elfordon. De viktigaste resultaten från detta projekt inkluderar utvecklingen av en högt användarvänlig simulator som kraftigt förbättrar teknikers förmåga att förstå och hantera komplexa EV-batterisystem. Genom användartester och feedback har det bekräftats att simulatorns intuitiva gränssnitt och realistiska simuleringsscenarier avsevärt minskar inlärningströskeln för nya tekniker. Denna effektivitet i lärandeprocessen understryker simulatorns värde som en utbildningsresurs. Dessutom har projektet belyst vikten av praktisk erfarenhet inom teknisk utbildning, vilket bidrar till en djupare och mer varaktig förståelse för eleverna. Abstract This degree project has successfully developed a battery simulator for electric vehicles, in a collaboration between AdaptFuture, Novo Energy, and Business Region Gothenburg. The project has focused on creating an innovative educational resource, designed to prepare the next generation of technicians for the rapidly growing electric vehicle technology. By integrating a simulated EV battery environment within an easy-to-use and portable case, the work has aimed to provide a hands-on experience that complements traditional theoretical education. The simulator leverages AdaptFuture's IoT system to offer a range of interactive scenarios, simulating real-world challenges that technicians face in working with electric vehicles. The key results from this project include the development of a highly user-friendly simulator that significantly improves technicians' ability to understand and manage complex EV battery systems. Through user testing and feedback, it has been confirmed that the simulator's intuitive interface and realistic simulation scenarios greatly reduce the learning threshold for new technicians. This efficiency in the learning process underscores the simulator's value as an educational resource. Additionally, the project has highlighted the importance of practical experience in technical education, contributing to a deeper and more lasting understanding for students.
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    Behovsstyrd belysning med lokal elproduktion
    (2024) Alrup, Filip; Hidevik, William; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för elektroteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering; Hammarström, Thomas
    Sammanfattning Trafikverket vill undersöka möjligheterna att installera solcellsdrivna gatulampor i Stockholms skärgård. Gatulamporna är tänkta att vara behovsstyrda, då de ska vara aktiva vid rörelse av båtar eller människor vid bryggorna. Trafikverket har varit i kontakt med ett företag, vid namn Selux, om deras modell F8 Valetta M skulle vara passande för ändamålet. Arbetet har utifrån simuleringar kunnat dra slutsatser och föra en diskussion om Selux lyktstolpe och hur väl den skulle potentiellt kunna möta de satta kraven. Denna rapport har utifrån en djupgående teori skapat en förståelse i de väsentliga beståndsdelarna för en gatulampa driven av en solcellsmodul. Utifrån nedladdad data, för solstrålning samt utsatta tider som lampan bör vara aktiv, har arbetet kunnat skapa ett Matlabprogram som jämför produktionen mot konsumtionen för varje timma under ett helt år. Utifrån simuleringarna kan arbetet visa samt förklara hur Selux modell skulle potentiellt kunna variera under åren 2016–2020. Utifrån simuleringarna kunde slutsatsen dras att för åren 2016–2019 krävs det dubbelkapacitet, det vill säga två batteripack, för att kunna möta de kraven från Trafikverket. År 2020 åt andra sidan kan anses som ett extremfall, och utifrån vidare simuleringar kan det visas att kraven möts först vid trippelkapacitet och dubbelt så stor area för solpanelen. Utifrån resultaten drogs slutsatsen att implementering av ett tredje batteripack samt utökad area på solpanelen är lämpligt för att kunna möta kraven för alla år. Abstract Trafikverket wants to examine the possibilities of installing solar powered streetlamps in Stockholms archipelago. The streetlights are designed to be demand-driven, meaning they will be fully activated when movement is detected by people or by ships trying to dock. Trafikverket has been in contact with Selux about their streetlamp model F8 Valetta M and whether it would be suited for the task. This paper has, based on simulation of the streetlamp, drawn conclusions and discussed how well the streetlamp model is able to meet the requirements set by Trafikverket. This paper has, based on extensive research, created a framework to understand the essential parts that make up the streetlamp which is powered by a solar cell module. Simulations were based on downloaded data regarding the solar radiation at the specified location where the streetlamp will be installed and the times of day when it will be active. The simulations show how the streetlamps performance throughout the year for the years 2016-2020. Based on the simulations the conclusion is drawn that to meet the requirements set by Trafikverket for the years 2016-2019 the capacity for the battery pack of the F8 Valetta M needs to be doubled. To meet the requirement during 2020, which is an extreme case, the battery capacity needs to be tripled and the area of the solar module needs to be doubled to meet the requirements set by Trafikverket for 2020 and all other years.
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    Study for development of a modular battery pack for use in off-highway vehicles at sub zero temperature
    (2024) Gustafsson, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för elektroteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Electrical Engineering; Liu, Yujing
    Abstract In this paper, a study regarding the possibility of using modular battery pack in OHVs at sub zero temperatures have been conducted. The paper looked into four different cathode chemistries, NMC, NCA, LFP, and PBa, as well as three different anode chemistries, graphite, TiO, and HC, and compared their traits once implemented in a full electrochemical cell. The report have also looked into three different cell form factor, cylindrical, prismatic, and pouch cells, and compared their cooling possibility and packaging constrains. In order to get a accurate representation of the requirements for the battery pack, the paper looked into the specification of several electric and non-electric OHVs. From the specification it was concluded that the battery pack needed to have a 147.6 to 295.1 Wh/L energy density, a cycle life of 812.5 to 2500 cycles, a continuous and peak discharge rate of 0.4E to 1.3E and 0.6E to 1.67E respectively, as well as a charge rate of 0.125E. By assuming a 60% package efficiency for cylindrical cells, as well as a 65% package efficiency for prismatic and pouch cells, thirteen out of twenty cells included in the paper met the requirements for them to be used in OHVs at sub zero temperature. Out of these thirteen cells, CATLs and Altris/Northvolts SIB cell using a PW cathode and a HC anode were the most promising cells to use due to their predicated lower cost of production per kWh compared to other cells