Examensarbeten för kandidatexamen
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- PostUtveckling av 3D-printad funktionsmodell av flygmotor(2024) Brink, Lina; Christensson, Felix; Hemå, Petter; Karlsson, Fabian; Lundkvist, Vera; Wäpling, Alfred; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Isaksson, Ola; Martinsson Bonde, JulianIn today’s society the environment has gained much attention, causing more and stricter regulations to be set regularly regarding aircrafts and their fuels. Emissions need to be minimized while transports need to get longer and faster. That is why this area is under continuous development, requiring updated information and educational tools that can aid visualizing modern and future concepts. Physical models are required to visualise the developments made, which has therefore been one of the main goals of this project to produce. A literary study has been made to collect information regarding common commersial aircrafts and fuels, as well as the most popular concepts for the near future. These concepts have then been compared and their advantages and disadvantages explored. A physical model has been created based on the information to show differences and similarities, as well as the function of different configurations of turbofan engines. This model specifically show differences regarding bypass and gears, among other things
- PostMöjlighetsstudie av en sond stor som en burk(2024) Christoforidis Johansson, Kevin; Dalevi, Alice; Gustavsson, William; Niens, Patrik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Bergsjö, Dag Henrik; Bergsjö, Dag Henrik; Xisto, CarlosThis project was based on the American competition CanSat, where every team was tasked with creating a can-sized satellite to launch with a rocket. The task in this specific case was to study the feasibility of developing a satellite based on the dimensions of an American 355ml can, without the actual rocket launch. Using ”trial and error” as the primary approach for mechanical design was established early on and complemented by the integration of Arduino for electrical systems and sensors. Basic theories in fluid mechanics and mechatronics were also utilized. Every subsystem was tested individually, to ensure they worked as intended. The final prototype did reach a mostly satisfactory result with some subsystems not fulfilling the requirements set prior to the tests. Other subsystems were left out, due to time constraints. Overall, the project showed that it is feasible to create a can-sized satellite. However, more time and resources would be needed to reach a product that complies entirely with the requirement list and can partake in the actual competition.
- PostPossibilities of minimising cobalt usage in the electric passenger car industry(2024) Busck, Jakob; Kryger, Marcin; Näs , Daniel; Rosén, Filip; Steen, Karl; Wallin , Erik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Klement, Uta; Sun, JinhuaLithium-ion batteries are an essential and important part of the future, and play a crucial role in fulfilling the Paris agreement and the building of a sustainable future. Battery electric cars are pointed out as a key solution to electrify the transport industry and the majority of electric cars today are equipped with NMC batteries. Due to shortage and the complex supply chains, high price and the poor working conditions associated with cobalt mining, the industry works to phase out cobalt and replace cobalt-rich NMC batteries with different cathode chemistries containing less cobalt. By using literature studies and manufacturing coin cells with different cathode chemistries, this report aims to investigate whether alternative cathodes can be used today or within the near future. The investigated cathodes were examined in terms of cost, performance, safety, environmental- and social sustainability. Moreover, interviews with two representatives from the industry were conducted to discuss industry information and deepen the general comprehension of large scale battery production. The conclusion that could be drawn was that there are several possible alternative cathode chemistries without cobalt. However, all examined cathode chemistries have advantages and limitations that make different cell chemistries better suited depending on the usage.Lithium-ion batteries are an essential and important part of the future, and play a crucial role in fulfilling the Paris agreement and the building of a sustainable future. Battery electric cars are pointed out as a key solution to electrify the transport industry and the majority of electric cars today are equipped with NMC batteries. Due to shortage and the complex supply chains, high price and the poor working conditions associated with cobalt mining, the industry works to phase out cobalt and replace cobalt-rich NMC batteries with different cathode chemistries containing less cobalt. By using literature studies and manufacturing coin cells with different cathode chemistries, this report aims to investigate whether alternative cathodes can be used today or within the near future. The investigated cathodes were examined in terms of cost, performance, safety, environmental- and social sustainability. Moreover, interviews with two representatives from the industry were conducted to discuss industry information and deepen the general comprehension of large scale battery production. The conclusion that could be drawn was that there are several possible alternative cathode chemistries without cobalt. However, all examined cathode chemistries have advantages and limitations that make different cell chemistries better suited depending on the usage.
- PostFörflyttning av patient nedför spiraltrapp(2024) Nord, Axel; Tegnemyr, Karin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Wranne, Olof; Wranne, OlofSammandrag Denna rapport täcker kandidatuppsatsen utförd av maskiningejörstudenten Axel Nord och design- och produktutvecklingsingenjörsstudenten Karin Tegnemyr vid Chalmers tekniska högskola i samarbete med forskargruppen Care@Distance. Varje dag hjälper svensk ambulanspersonal till med att rädda liv genom att vara först på plats vid en olycka. De sätter sina egna kroppar och hälsa i fara medan de försöker transportera patienter från olycksplatsen till sjukhuset. En av dessa ofta förekommandesituationer är när människor skadas inu ti hyreshus som saknar hissar och endast har tillgång till trappor. Detta tvingar ambulanspersonalen att anpassa sig och använda verktyg som en trappklättrare som lätt ska kunna bäras upp för trapporna för att sedan hjälpa till att transportera patienten ner till entréplan. Problemet är att det inte finns någon produkt somfungerar tryggt för både raka och svängda trappor. Projektets syfte har varit att designa och utveckla en produkt som kan göra det enklare och mer ergonomiskt att transportera patienter nedför spiraltrappor. Metoden som använts för att uppnå detta syfte har varit att intervjua olika personer inom ambulansindustrin, såsom nuvarande och tidigare ambulanssjukvårdare, ambulansförare och andra personer som rbetar på ambulansstationen. För att säkerställa att den insamlade datan från intervjuerna och den teoretiska referensramen användes effektivt, tillämpades olika metoder, såsom funktionsanalys, black box och Pugh-matris. Dessa metoder ledde till en djupare förståelse av problemet samtidigt som produktens funktioner prioriterades. Detta följdes upp av en observation, konceptutveckling och prototypframställning som skapade ett konceptförslag. Projektet resulterade i en fysisk prototyp i verklig storlek samt en CAD-design som simulerar produktens potential. Prototypen resulterade i en modifierad trappstol som donerats till projektet av ambulanspersonalen.
- PostFramtagning av en interaktiv station på Röhsska museet(2024) Giss, Saga; Jacobsson, Joel; Joelsson, Annie; Jonasson, Rasmus; Krus, Alva; Rosch, Lea; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Bligård, Lars-Ola; Dahlman, SannaThe Röhsska museum, a design museum in Gothenburg, is to open a new exhibition in the fall of 2024. The exhibition aims to describe the word design from different perspectives, or themes. In order to deepen the relationship between visitor and exhibition, several interactive stations will be featured. The task of the project is to design an interactive station for one of the exhibition themes, innovation. The target audience consists of high school students in their final year and university students in the first year of a design-related education. The project arrived at a final concept by the name of Stolsbygge, or “Chair Building”. This interactive station is positioned on a table in a room of the exhibition, and the task of the visitor is to assemble one (or more) out of three chairs from a set of loose pieces. The chairs are replicas of ones featured in the innovation-section of the exhibition. The following task is attempting to fit all the pieces of the chair into one of three boxes also present on the table. This part builds on one of the sub-themes, “the container as a template”, which illustrates how objects can be designed to fit into small, and thus efficient, boxes. The interaction does not necessarily have to be done in this order; thus, it can also be done the other way around. This concept provides a way for the visitor to engage more deeply with the exhibition, while understanding the shapes of the featured items and certain aspects of the theme.