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- PostUtveckling av smart filamenttork för 3D-skrivare(2024) Kléen Lavass, Douglas; Jonsson, Elliot; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Hulthén, Erik; Hulthén, ErikUtveckling av smart filamenttork för 3D-skrivare, ett produktutvecklingsprojekt för torkning och förvaring av filament till 3D-skrivare, är ett examensarbete om 180 högskolepoäng skrivet på svenska. Arbetet är genomfört vid institutionen Industri- och materialvetenskap på Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige. Med den additiva tillverkningens ökande popularitet och komplexitet tillkommer det hela tiden nya utmaningar för precision och hantering. När det handlar om 3D-skrivare och dess filament finns det många olika typer av material som kan användas för utskrift och vissa är känsliga för både temperatur och fukt. Företaget Zyyx 3D har därför letat efter ett bättre sätt att både torka och förvara dessa typer av filament. Genom att utföra traditionella produktutvecklings och idégenereringsmetoder kunde arbetet resultera i ett system vars syfte var att lösa de förutsatta utmaningarna. Med hjälp Uppdragsgivaren kunde projektet resultera i en funktionsduglig prototyp för att kunna utföra tester och utveckla det slutgiltiga konceptet som använder en desiccantrotor för att uppnå en torr förvaringsmiljö. Prototypen och dess mätresultat visar att det är ett möjligt sätt att lösa den här typen av problem även på en mer industriell skala med fler och större filamentrullar som kräver större förvaringsyta.
- PostUtveckling av en hållbar affärsmodell för Houdini Circle(2024) Flodman, Lovisa; Svensson, Evelna; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Heinerud, Johan; Heinerud, JohanAbstract The following thesis is performed with the purpose of expanding Houdini Circle by developing a sustainable business model for the newly launched concept. The result of the project were supposed to act as a proposal for an expansion of Houdini Circle and not present a perfected solution. The project was initiated with introductory studies of the second hand market and discussions with Houdini were held where it was decided that the assignment would primarily focus on the subscription service within Houdini Circle. It was done because it was considered to be the area with the greatest challenges but also with most potential for future development. Thereafter a market research was conducted through a survey and interviews to create an understanding of what Houdini's target group thinks of Houdini Circle and its services, with a focus on the subscription service. Problems regarding Houdini's communication of Houdini Circle were identified and the application of the service was questioned. Based on the findings from the market research, it was concluded that the existing Houdini customer was not interested in the service. Therefore, a strategic consideration was made in the project which meant that a change of the target group for the subscription service was needed. A list of requirements was created based on the categories that seemed important for the users: accessibility, usability, price, communication and relationship. An ideation phase followed and resulted in two concepts, each targeting their own specific group of people; Concept A, was intended to be tailored for families with children, and Concept B, would target semi-active young to middle-aged adults. After evaluation of each concept, a decision was made to develop and finalize Concept A. In addition to a shift in target group towards families with children, the business model also resulted in an expansion of the service online and to all Houdini stores. In conjunction with the online expansion, developments of the website's interfaces were made to clarify the communication of Houdini Circle. In addition to that, the project resulted in physical solutions such as patches and a storage box that primarily creates an emotional connection with children, while also serving functions such as personation, repair and storage.
- PostThe First and the Last - A bachelor’s thesis that explores how a Lynk & Co micromobility vehicle could be designed for 2030(2024) Christensson, Britta; Hassan, Sana; Sahlqvist, Oscar; Sjöberg, Deborah; Tengström, Malin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Bligård, Lars-Ola; Heinerud, JohanThis thesis presents the development of a micromobility concept for the year 2030. The purpose of the project was to develop an inspiring and immersive concept. The project was given by Lynk & Co Design, who oversee the designing of cars for Lynk & Co. The micromobility market is growing and is expected to continue to expand. Another trend is that European cities are suggesting different ways to limit the usage of cars in cities. One way of doing so is to limit the possibilities of parking cars in city centers and, or, implementing green zones where car traffic is limited. The micromobility concept was aimed to have a strong link to Lynk & Co members and enable transport where a car might not be a fit solution in the year 2030. The outcome was an electric scooter which is foldable and can be charged in the trunk of a Lynk & Co car. It enables convenience to the members who, for example, need to park far away from their office or who want to explore a city in a convenient way. It is the perfect choice to travel the first and last mile. The final concept has technical parts and functions which could be possible to manufacture if developed and specified further. The finished concept was developed to inspire further development.
- PostEn undersökning av flexibilitet i öppna kontorslandskap - En kvalitativ studie och produktutvecklingsprocess gällande behov för flexibilitet(2024) Andersson, Klara; Barbiche, Rayan; Carrin, Mathilda; Fermskog , Sebastian; Florin , Ida; Johannesson, Maja; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Bligård, Lars-Ola; Rexfelt, OskarAt the request of AJ Produkter, this project has identified and analysed the need for flexibility in open office landscapes through systematic data collection. Subsequently, a final concept has been developed during a product development process. Through user and literature studies, the project has laid the groundwork for mapping the challenges associated with modern work environments. The collected data was analysed, enabling the identification of problem areas and needs. These areas were used as a basis for idea generation and a requirement specification for a solution was established. Several concepts were developed, and through evaluation matrices and feedback from the respondents of the user study, a final concept was selected. The final product, named ALFRED, offers a portable workstation that meets the needs for flexibility and user comfort. The product contributes to making the user more flexible by not being tied to a specific location. It is an uncomplicated product that facilitates the movement of equipment, thus simplifying the user’s workday. The final concept has been visualised through models and sketches and has been assigned materials and dimensions. There are still several opportunities for further development before the concept can be realised. For example, strength calculations and a life cycle analysis need to be conducted to ensure that the product maintains high quality and meets sustainability goals.
- PostUtveckling av 3D-printad funktionsmodell av flygmotor(2024) Brink, Lina; Christensson, Felix; Hemå, Petter; Karlsson, Fabian; Lundkvist, Vera; Wäpling, Alfred; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Isaksson, Ola; Martinsson Bonde, JulianIn today’s society the environment has gained much attention, causing more and stricter regulations to be set regularly regarding aircrafts and their fuels. Emissions need to be minimized while transports need to get longer and faster. That is why this area is under continuous development, requiring updated information and educational tools that can aid visualizing modern and future concepts. Physical models are required to visualise the developments made, which has therefore been one of the main goals of this project to produce. A literary study has been made to collect information regarding common commersial aircrafts and fuels, as well as the most popular concepts for the near future. These concepts have then been compared and their advantages and disadvantages explored. A physical model has been created based on the information to show differences and similarities, as well as the function of different configurations of turbofan engines. This model specifically show differences regarding bypass and gears, among other things