Housing after Housing: Design strategies for resilient housing, focusing on adaptability concepts in modern architecture in wooden buildings
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Today, demographic changes require that the apartments
we design need to be able to meet changing living
requirements, both for today’s dwelling families and for
those to come. With adaptable housing, a dwelling can
respond to changing needs and enable families to remain
in their apartments when such circumstances arise.
In line with the building industry’s current direction
toward sustainable solutions with wooden construction,
this master thesis explores wooden architecture as a
precondition for qualitative and adaptable dwellings in
multi-family residential buildings.
As part of a collaboration with housing developer
Riksbyggen and Sweco architects, alternative apartment
floor plans are being explored in “Gibraltarvallen” to
assess how wooden architecture and design strategies
for adaptable space can be combined to create qualitative
and valuable apartment spaces.
The current thesis examines the following research
questions against this background:
- How can adaptability strategies develop and create
spatially optimal living environments that are resilient and
best serve people?
- In what way can apartments in a multifamily residential
building be constructed using cross-laminated wood and
designed to meet the requirements of adaptable space?
The research methods and processes involve Research
For and Through Design. Research for Design began as
a theoretical investigation and was vital to gain empiric
knowledge and get closer to actual design applications.
Research Through Design used the theories reflected
in Research For Design as part of the design process to
link theory to practice and develop knowledge of design
The case study “Gibraltarvallen” will serve as a starting
point for investigating the adaptability concepts most
suitable for wooden structures.
The preconditions for this thesis are the theoretical
framework based on adaptability concepts, the
prerequisites for design in wooden construction and the
qualities of both the housing developer and household/
user, focusing on the spatial capacity and use (time).
The results will define a set of guidelines for creating a
typologies concept model, emphasizing the adaptability
in wooden construction and how to create an adaptive
concept to be used in future wooden housing projects.
This thesis demonstrates that implementing adaptability
strategies can affect the spatial qualities of the dwelling
and the social attributes of the household. This will lead
to increased autonomy and resilience in overcoming
challenges that only time will inform.
Dwelling, Adaptability, Usability, Resilient Living Solutions, Multi-family Housing, Modern Wooden Houses