Intelligent Truss Design - Digitalization of the Building Process
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Today, timber is widely used in construction in Sweden, but it is not used to its
full potential and strength. Timber is a heterogenous material, but in the construction industry today, assumed to be homogenous. That timber is heterogenous is known, but the reason for it to be assumed homogenous is to simplify the processof grading it. The properties structural timber is assigned in the grading process
are their characteristic values, also known as the fifth percentile value. This means
that 95% of all timber in each strength class or grade has a value higher than the
characteristic one. Another reason for doing this is to minimize the risk of failure.
This may result in a potential under utilization if not other, more advanced meth ods are used. When designing trusses the characteristic value of the timber is used
to limit the risk of failure, and not its individual value that can be gathered from
the testing carried out during the grading process. If the truss designers can utilize
the individual data instead of the characteristic value the trusses can be designed
with higher utilization ratio. If the designers know which timber parts are weak and
strong, the strong timber will be used where the stresses are the highest, and vice
versa with the weaker timber.
In this thesis, softwares such as Grasshopper, Matlab and MiTek Pamir are used to
simulate and test whether the risk of failure can be decreased if the truss designers
can use individual values instead of the characteristic value. The results show that
if the individual values of each timber board instead of the characteristic value are
used the risk of failure can be decreased.
Intelligent, Truss Design, Digitalization of the Building Process