Knowledge intensive design exploration Integration of data-driven design methods in creative design
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Design and construction project management (MPDCM), MSc
Architectural design is a world of divergent solutions, and our built surroundings are the
result of design processes where some paths were chosen, and many more were ignored.
Continuous development in computational technologies has resulted in methods that
provide designers with information about how a building will manage certain investigated
aspects, leading to expectations of buildings designed with a higher level of knowledge.
This thesis investigates how data-driven design methods should be integrated and used by
architectural designers. The aim of the thesis is to provide architectural practice with
methods that ensure that knowledge-intensive design exploration can take place as data driven methods are integrated into their operation. The method of systematic combining
between theory and empirical findings is used to ensure alignment to reach this aim. The
research was conducted by an extensive literature review, together with interviews and
observations at an architectural company located in Gothenburg, Sweden. To further
intensify the empirical findings, interviews are held with individuals with experience in
data-driven methods from both the academy and industry.
The research show that data-driven methods can contribute to knowledge-intensive design
exploration if data is used responsibly through critical evaluation and with strategies that
ensure qualitative decision-making. The research emphasizes how data enhance the ability
to proceed with design suggestions which previously been hard to verify, leading to
extended knowledge by all participating in the design process. When data-driven methods
are integrated into architectural design exploration, the research highlights the importance
of alignment with current design activities. Previous research shows that tools have not
correlated with the reality of architectural design, resulting in that they have not been
integrated to a full extent. This thesis suggests that data-driven tools should be evaluated to
ensure they foster creative processes and integrated teams. They should be integrated in an
iterative loop where feedback is continuously provided for everyone in the design team. To
ensure alignment with the specific firm, architectural organizations should integrate
change-management in their operation and establish a team responsible for investigating
innovative methods and tools aligned with the organization's processes, set values and
goals. The evaluated methods should be integrated in eight steps to ensure that all involved
in the design process at the specific firm can benefit from data-driven tools.
Architectural design , Creative design, , Iterative design , Data-driven design , Change Management