Steg mot nollvisionen i gruvindustrin: Hörnreflektor och radarteknik som räddar liv
Examensarbete på grundnivå
Maskinteknik 180 hp (högskoleingenjör)
Gonzales Rossel, Jesper
Hillén, Julia
Working in the mining industry is dangerous due to the risk of injury from machines used in
the mines. Accidents involving these machines can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities.
The project was conducted together with the company RadChat to increase safety in the
mining industry. The company aims to achieve Vision zero in underground mines, meaning
that no one should be seriously injured or die in mining operations. The company's solution
uses a radar and a chip, that does not work well at longer ranges and therefore an improved
version has been developed.
This bachelor thesis describes the process of improving a device designed to detect people
and machines in mining environments. The project began with identifying and collecting
requirements and requests from various parties involved. Ideas were then generated, different
solutions were evaluated and tested. The less favorable options were eliminated until one
concept remained. The device includes a corner reflector that reflects radio waves. It will also
be possible to distinguish between different people and machines by rotating the corner
reflector at different rotational frequencies using a motor. This solution is a big step towards
achieving vision zero in the mining industry