Residential project 1060: a record years densification project
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Densifying a Swedish miljonprogram area with a new
residential building. The record years (miljonprogrammet),
1965-74, contractors were encouraged with
favourable loans to build projects of 1000 apartments
or more by the Sweidsh state. This resulted in large
areas, ostracized from their close context, architecturally
and spatially. `Project 1060´ is the investigative result of
how one of these areas is best complemented with 60
new apartments today.
The new residential building opens a dialogue with its
context by continuing the exisitng spatial morphology
and inhereting some architectural features. The dialogue
establishes a trust between existing and new which
facilitates the process of modernization in the neighbour -
`Project 1060´ is composed of industrial elements like
its neighbour, but within the contemporary wooden
industry. Prefabricated CLT elements lowers the CO 2
emissions and shortens the on site building time. The
wooden character is expressed both in the facade
and the interior. The coherency builds up an attractive
framework for the apartments that can be passed on to
different tenants.
The thesis is divided into two parts:
1. Investigative process debating the pros and cons for
different approaches, based on a research phase, pre -
sented in this booklet.
2. The design result for the most successful approach,
presented in the appendix of this booklet.
The investigative process aims to problematize an ex -
isting detail development plan for the plot. Project 1060
challenges the existing plan by providing another option
for the plot, maintaining the same program. In contrast
to the existing plan this thesis aims to find values in the
close context and bring them into the new building.
The result is a sturdy residential building with influences
from the modern movement and contemporary minimal -
istic detailing.
Image, family, spatial morphology, development