Optimization of Cold-formed Steel Sections using Genetic Algorithm
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Aref, Sara
Mahdi, Mahdi
Most research done on optimization of cold-formed steel members focuses on a single
cross-section with set conditions and steel yield strengths. How would this optimiza tion look if different cold-formed cross-sections are compared. Furthermore, how would different cold-formed cross-sections with varying steel yield strength behave in a global optimization.
The aim is to study how to reach optimized cross-sections (profiles) for roof trusses
in different steel strength classes using a genetic algorithm and create a library of
the most optimized cross-sections for certain spans and applied loads.
The four selected cross-sections to be analysed are C-section, double back-to-back
C-section, hollow square-section and hollow hexagon-section. These profiles can act
as diagonals in a roof truss and the compressed diagonals will be analysed. As for
the upper chord which is subjected to both compression and bending, only double back-to-back C-sections will be optimized. Matlab functions were generated to calculate the required parameters, buckling modes and capacities for the selected sections. These functions were connected to a genetic algorithm to find the most op timized dimensions for each section. Lastly the most optimized cross-sections with
respect to smallest area were selected for different load and span length combination to create a library.
The results of the genetic algorithm showed that for the upper chord the higher
the steel strength the smaller the area becomes but the section with higher steel
strength have a lower utilization ratio. The diagonals which were divided into two
groups and were analysed separately showed that the most optimized shape to use
is a hollow square-section. However, the connection between the upper chord and
the diagonals will not be feasible with closed cross-sections used as diagonals. The
chosen cross-section shape is therefore C-section.
steel, cold-formed, cross-section, optimization, genetic algorithm, roof truss, Eurocode 3