Buckling of a steel plate subjected to axial compression loading of various load rates
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
To be able to meet the desire of densifying the existing urban environment there is a
need to handle increased requirements against exceptional accidents such as explosions.
As a step towards this, a study on the dynamic buckling resistance of a flat thin and
thick steel plate is conducted. This is done by studying a steel plate subjected to axial
compression load using non-linear FEM using Abaqus CAE and comparing it with
experimental results from literature. The static analyses were carried out on the plate
where the effect of initial imperfection, boundary conditions and material properties
were studied. In the numerical analyses both material and geometric non-linearity was
considered. Dynamic structural response (load, plastic strain, deformations) of the steel
plate was studied based on steel material properties (with and without strain rate effect)
for various load rates. Abaqus implicit/explicit was used for the dynamic analyses so
that it can capture the whole behaviour of the plate using very small increment sizes
compared to Abaqus standard. The plate was then studied for different load applications
and its responses for the type of amplitude curve used. The study shows that
multilinear curve is more appropriate to handle the dynamic effect on the steel plate. The
strain rate was studied using different functions available in the software with different
elements to test the function. Further, the plate was analysed with a lower slenderness
to compare the behaviour with the thin plate.
Explosion, impulse load, nonlinear FE-analysis, Abaqus CAE, buckling, axial compression loading, plain steel plate, static loading, dynamic loading, parametric study