Metod för att mäta digitaliseringsnivå på små och medelstora företag
Examensarbete på grundnivå
Nyström, Sandra
Ottesjö, Britta
The following report deals with the development of a method for measuring the level of digitalisation in small and medium-sized companies. This method aims to map a company's current state of digitalisation and to highlight the areas of improvement that exist in the business. The method is developed in conjunction with RISE's research project "Digital twinning for development and installation of production systems", as a support for implementing digitalisation, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The focus during the work was in the field of digitalisation within Industry 4.0, where the work is limited from economic aspects and level of automation. The connection between digitalisation and efficiency improvement was instead studied in the discussion. The method of measuring digitalisation level is performed as a questionnaire containing 37 questions that are considered to cover all measurable aspects of digitalisation in a company. The survey is done through a structured interview where the questionnaire is filled in and then directly visualizes the company's digitalisation level in the Digitalisation ladder, a tool produced exclusively for the method to visualize where a company is in in their digitalization. A directly translate version of the tool can viewed under Bilaga 11.