Masscycle – A Tool for Circular Project Planning of Sustainable Mass Management


With the ongoing infrastructure projects in today’s society, large quantities of excavated soil material emerge that need to be handled. Road infrastructure projects are a part of the major development, causing an increase of excavated rock and soil masses as roads are constructed. Due to the technical and/or environmental properties of the material it is not always utilized and instead ends up at disposal sites. Through properly executed mass management these masses can be viewed as resources instead of waste. The overall aim of this thesis is to develop a tool that can be used for planning of mass management during the pre-construction phase, within road infrastructure projects at the Swedish Transport Administration. To reach the aim, a method consisting of a literature review, development of a tool and two case studies was carried out. In the literature review, existing digital tools and methods for mass management were studied and key performance indicators regarding the planning of mass management were identified. The tool, Masscycle, was developed in Excel and consists of different sheets that combined, help fulfil demands in the requirements document set by the Swedish Transport Administration. Masscycle combines the input data from users to automatically create visualizations and provide results about the studied road infrastructure project. In addition, key performance indicators are calculated as measures of the level of circularity of the project. Masscycle was tested on two road infrastructure projects and proved to be useful in the planning for sustainable and circular mass management. Implementation of Masscycle at the Swedish Transport Administration should be carried out to ensure a uniform way of reporting mass management.



mass handling, excavated soils, earth works, key performance indicator, construction, recycle, reuse, Masscycle, Swedish Transport Administration, aggregates


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