Utveckling av en hållbar affärsmodell för Houdini Circle
Examensarbete på kandidatnivå
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Flodman, Lovisa
Svensson, Evelna
The following thesis is performed with the purpose of expanding Houdini Circle by
developing a sustainable business model for the newly launched concept. The result of the
project were supposed to act as a proposal for an expansion of Houdini Circle and not present
a perfected solution. The project was initiated with introductory studies of the second hand
market and discussions with Houdini were held where it was decided that the assignment
would primarily focus on the subscription service within Houdini Circle. It was done because
it was considered to be the area with the greatest challenges but also with most potential for
future development. Thereafter a market research was conducted through a survey and
interviews to create an understanding of what Houdini's target group thinks of Houdini Circle
and its services, with a focus on the subscription service. Problems regarding Houdini's
communication of Houdini Circle were identified and the application of the service was
questioned. Based on the findings from the market research, it was concluded that the
existing Houdini customer was not interested in the service. Therefore, a strategic
consideration was made in the project which meant that a change of the target group for the
subscription service was needed.
A list of requirements was created based on the categories that seemed important for the
users: accessibility, usability, price, communication and relationship. An ideation phase
followed and resulted in two concepts, each targeting their own specific group of people;
Concept A, was intended to be tailored for families with children, and Concept B, would
target semi-active young to middle-aged adults.
After evaluation of each concept, a decision was made to develop and finalize Concept A. In
addition to a shift in target group towards families with children, the business model also
resulted in an expansion of the service online and to all Houdini stores. In conjunction with
the online expansion, developments of the website's interfaces were made to clarify the
communication of Houdini Circle. In addition to that, the project resulted in physical
solutions such as patches and a storage box that primarily creates an emotional connection with children, while also serving functions such as personation, repair and storage.